
D-Spec Specifications
The key objectives of the A-SPEC initiative is to streamline stake holders’ (local government/utilities/water authorities) processes for receiving, handling, validating and storing of data related to newly constructed (either from subdivision developments or capital works) or existing infrastructure assets in their Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Asset Management Information Systems (AMIS).
D-Spec details the specific requirements relating to stormwater drainage and telecommunication networks assets and is to be used as a reference for the supply of As Constructed digital data to A-SPEC members who subscribe to D-Spec.
A summary of D-Spec detailing the asset classes required is coming soon.
Unless otherwise agreed to, A-SPEC subscribers expect data be delivered to the current/latest version of the Specification. It is incumbent upon the organisation submitting data to confirm their client's A-SPEC requirements.
Each submission is to also include a Certification Form and a Quality Report. For convenience this has been combined into one CSV file and is available for download here
To receive a full version of the manual, including other relevant material and notifications of Specification updates from GISSA International, we request that you Register by using this link.
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